2024 was a busy year for me (as all years feel busy, just as I suspect they do for literally everyone). Here on the site I did more quote-and-commentary posts and short asides, which I find enjoyable to write and share but also help me cover emotionally for fewer longer or more involved postings amidst the vagaries of life and also all the radiology job-related stuff I won’t shut up about. Every site like this has its seasons, and not every season results in the same frequency, length, or even writing quality (depending on the content, current events, and my shifting interests over time). That is the usually happy nature of a writing hobby instead of a writing job. That said, I’ve wanted to do another longer project for several years, and I naively thought 2024 was going to be the year that happened. It didn’t.
This year I would like to practice finishing, which is one of life’s most satisfying skills. I’m going to start that by finishing, polishing, and publishing a whole bunch of half-written drafts that I have accumulated over the past year. Even then, I have so many that will never see the light of day (especially those that were topical at one time but probably no longer helpful or insightful). I doubt any of these will blow any minds, but I hope some will be helpful for those smaller number of readers that will stumble upon them at the right time of their lives. Some are about medicine including radiology practice, radiology learning, and radiology training, but some are just derived from interesting things I’ve read over the past year or two that I’ve wanted to share. I’ll never, ever clean out my writing backlog, but I’d like to share some work over the coming months that I will define as complete in the sense that I’ve pressed publish.
I’ve tried to take heart from the overarching lesson of Four Thousand Weeks: this doesn’t matter. That doesn’t mean none of this is worth doing to me or has no value, but rather that–on a cosmic scale–there’s no reason to take myself too seriously. There are a few things I want to do this year writing-wise just because I (theoretically) can, so I think I will.