Getting Started in Radiology

Here’s a little compilation of posts from the last few years about getting started as a new radiology resident.


Approaching the Radiology R1 Year and its short companion post: How to be a First-Year Radiology Resident.

Want something a little more controversial? You Should be Correlating Clinically.


Book Recommendations for First-Year Radiology Residents (and some further recommendations for when there’s extra book fund to burn).

You can round that out with some more general thoughts on studying during residency. Then try my deeper dive: ultralearning radiology.


Some important considerations for getting better every day.

Lastly, radiology call tips (which are also helpful every day).


Also, residents from across the country in the ACR Resident and Fellow Section came together and assembled a nice collection of free radiology learning resources from across the interwebs including lots of videos.



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