As time marches on, the number of Twitter-based books continues to increase. There’s the crowd-sourced book of clever tweets in Twitter Wit: Brilliance in 140 Characters or Less; there are the celebrity cash-in’s, like Dennis Leary’s new twitter-feed on paper, Suck On This Year: LYFAO @ 140 Characters or Less; not to mention the countless (and useless) books about Twitter itself (social media, networking, style guides, how to make “friends”, etc etc etc). There is no irony when using paper to talk about the internet in the publishing industry.
There is only one carefully curated Twitter-based creative writing anthology. And that book is On a Narrow Windowsill (Kindle version), out in the time for the holiday season from Folded Word. From that link, preview it on Google Books, read the press release, and see my name several times. That’s because this book contains stories from 43 writers including myself, Mel Bosworth, Ethel Rohan, and xTx, (+39). AND it’s on SALE.