RadPartners is desperately trying to raise capital to pay off its debts via another round of equity funding (i.e. creating and selling new shares of preferred stock).

If successful, this would dilute the value of shares held by current shareholders (historically, ~40% of the company was owned by current or former RP radiologists). In reality, I have a tough time imagining any large investors putting enough good money into something predicted to go bankrupt within the next two years to shift the course of the Titanic.

// 06.29.23

The pull of these forces left many doctors anguished and distraught, caught between the Hippocratic oath and “the realities of making a profit from people at their sickest and most vulnerable.”

Not only are clinicians feeling betrayed by their leadership,” she says, “but when they allow these barriers to get in the way, they are part of the betrayal. They’re the instruments of betrayal.”

From “The Moral Crisis of America’s Doctors.”

// 06.15.23