It is because doctors are understood to place patients’ interests above commercial ones that they have long enjoyed professional autonomy and public trust. The history of medicine is too littered with incompetence and immorality to believe that doctors have always been worthy of this status. Still, something profound is lost when we submit to the jaundiced view that medicine is a business like any other. There is value in striving for something higher.

From Dhruv Khullar’s “The Gilded Age of Medicine Is Here” in the New Yorker.

// 12.17.24

I started Independent Radiology–a job board exclusively dedicated to featuring physician-owned private practices–on August 14. This past weekend we hit a major milestone I wouldn’t have predicted: 100 groups advertising their openings. The level of group and user engagement has been great to see.

// 12.09.24

If you’re a trainee going to RSNA this year, I’ll be giving a talk about careers in radiology during Session M3-RCP20: Navigating the Job Market at 9:30am on Monday. Come say hi!

// 12.01.24

My internet friends over at Medality are having a big Black Friday sale a holiday gift sale Dec 17-22 for a free self-paced Fellowship with any Premium Membership or Fellowship. Solid use of CME funds before the end of the year, and an easy way to support this site.

// 11.29.24