The Little White Lies of Radiology Partners

The American College of Radiology runs a large and presumably quite profitable job forum. (I believe they outsource its management to a third-party company, but it’s on their website, and their branding is all over it.)

And I’m sure the ACR doesn’t want to police the content of that job forum, if nothing else because nitpicking job listings may discourage people from paying for said listings. Outside of the logistics and hassle, there is an obvious financial incentive to look the other way to potentially misleading content.


I don’t see how one can justify allowing Radiology Partners to disingenuously call itself an “independent private practice” on its job postings (other than by just acknowledging the financial conflict that RP is probably the job forum’s largest customer by a wide margin).

I’m not even saying these are bad jobs. Quality is irrelevant here. You are what you are, and pretending you’re not a nationwide private equity conglomerative corporate practice in a job listing for a teleradiology position is only something you do because you don’t want to get filtered out of people’s search queries.

Here are the options for “work setting” they could have picked:

  • Academic institution
  • Independent private practice
  • National radiology practice
  • Health system or hospital
  • Hospital-affiliated group practice
  • Non-hospital group practice
  • Multi-specialty entity
  • Outpatient clinic
  • Military Treatment Facility
  • U.S. Public Health Service
  • Department of Veterans Affairs facility
  • Teleradiology
  • Locum Tenens/Independent Contractor
  • Other (Please specify)

If you believe in your model and are proud of your practice, then why pretend that you are independent when you’re not? Why not just pick “teleradiology” for a tele job? The straightforward explanation is that they know what job applicants want/are searching for, and their ads will perform better if that’s how they’re listed.

All the RP listings I’ve seen–and not just for the direct RP corporate offerings like this but also for their individual groups–describe the work setting as independent private practice.

This seems, at best, duplicitous and disingenuous. The generally accepted meaning of an independent practice is a business owned and operated entirely by its physicians (and not a hospital, health system, or other business/corporate entity). Physicians are the minority owners of Radiology Partners.

It doesn’t matter if one believes that independence or some variety of corporate structure is better (or even if they’re on the whole equal). There are multiple different options, and RP is cynically picking the wrong one.


Meanwhile, a quick update about that non-independent parent corporate entity, as reported in Radiology Business this week:

S&P said it is placing all Rad Partners’ ratings on CreditWatch with negative implications. This reflects “heightened downside risk,” analysts noted, given the potential that RP might default on its loans or engage in a distressed exchange in 2024.


nym 01.07.24 Reply

narrator: Ben woke up on a fine Sunday, and chose violence

Sudarshan singla 01.13.24 Reply

This is America, home of Cheat, Steal and Lie

Abhijit Roychowdhury 01.13.24 Reply

Luckily, in this world of radiology in USA, we do know the players. Th role of ACR has never been par excellence and sort of not expected anymore. We used to trust AM, but they are as bad as anyone else. Everybody is selling something. Can’t trust academic institutions as they are totally sold out. Where can a radiologist feel good and do a decent job. Probably nowhere. Every enterprise takes us for a ride. Sad State of Affairs!

M Suhail 01.14.24 Reply

I kept getting ACR job boards marketing emails (to get our group to post on their boards). Finally, I sent them this in response last September:

“Private practices have no chance of recruiting using your website due to the thousands and thousands of RP and PE job postings, often masquerading as PP, and we’ve heard applicants are more likely to use other means to find jobs. I would suggest, if you want to increase the businesses of private practices, you put add a filter option that removes certain companies or private equity entirely.

In the meantime, please take me off of your mailing list. Thank you.”

Taran Pate 01.14.24 Reply

I run the American Radiologist FB group. We have free job postings every other Friday for independent private practices and many have had success finding quality candidates. The group is for verified US/Canadian radiologists and residents only. Also a little hack to filter RP job posts is search for on the filter. All their posts have this email address.

Romney Miller 01.14.24 Reply

For those looking for an AuntMinnie replacement, try

Shawn Rayder MD 01.14.24 Reply

I am a Pediatric and Non vascular IR Radiologist looking for a position on the East coast north of Florida and South of Maine.

Willing to do weekends and negotiate insurance contracts! Been doing it for years.

Wilhelm R 01.14.24 Reply

What multiples of EBITDA are being paid ? What is the present market? More clarity means better deals

Robert 02.08.24 Reply

seems like everyone is coming to the realization that choosing radiology as a specialty was the single worst and most catastrophic decision in our professional lives. lucky I am two years from calling it quits. For the younger blood, my sympathies…

Howard 03.20.24 Reply

Have you done , or will you do any commentary on how RP is negatively affecting the radiology market? Onerous non-competes, fleeing areas like Las Vegas when contracts are up but with non competes existing docs cant stay and read either.

there are bigger issues to be looked into. Is it good for the industry for RP and Envision and Rad Net to own 10% of all the licensed Radiologists in the US? As someone in radiology for 40 years I have a lot of thoughts on this topic

Ben 03.22.24 Reply

I’ve probably done at least half a dozen long and several shorter posts about it over the past two years. You’ll find the relevant entries by searching for ‘Private Equity’ or ‘Radiology Partners’ (some posts don’t specifically call out RP by name).

Hali Hosemann 05.02.24 Reply

I have come across quite a few red flags regarding radiology practice network- acquisition and restructurings and lawsuits with Envision, RP, Akumin, Rose, etc. As mentioned before, it seems the billing for most radiology practices are all connected..BBB complaints, no reliable contact info, changing addresses etc

Private Equity backing in healthcare needs to be curbed. It stifles competition and damages care quality in a health care system that is already charcterized by high costs. Thanks for facilitaing conversation around this.

Gretchen Green 01.05.25 Reply

Radiologists (and physicians in general) would be well-served by keeping eyes wide open when considering jobs especially where do-not-compete clauses could affect your national employment options – as could be the case with RP and similar multi-state companies. Ben does a great job of pointing out a potential bait-and-switch description here by RP.

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