I’ve been seeing increasing news coverage of the nationwide radiology shortage, so it’s about time for me mention again: like every other practice in the country, my group is also hiring!
American Radiology Associates is a 100%-independent physician-owned radiology practice in Dallas-Forth Worth (of which I am a partner/shareholder). We’re privademic: we have part of the practice that works with the Baylor Dallas radiology residency, and we have part of the practice that does not. I enjoy a nice mix.
We’re hiring for breast, body, neuro, NM/PET, general, swing, and overnight positions.
While our partners are generally in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex, we offer 100%-remote partnership-eligible swing and overnight shift positions (separate positions for general, body, and for neuro).
The swing shift is 2pm-10pm central time, weekdays (M-F) alternating every other week + 13 weekends of call (yes that means mostly weekdays and not 7/7, and never any deep nights or super weird circadian-destroying hours). The deep night position is 10p-6am CST, 7 on / 14 off. Both involve typical general ER radiology, and the overnight position involves some teaching via resident overreads.
(We’re also open to normal daytime remote employees for body/general.)
So if you’re in the market, come work with me and check out our great team in Dallas. If you’re interested, send your CV to careers@americanrad.com and CC me at ben.white@americanrad.com.
I’ve written before about why I believe some job healthcare models are problematic, and why not all attending jobs are created equal. I’ve also written before about how to approach getting your first job out of training. My perspective and biases about radiology practice are on full display.
Our group was/is my first job out of training. It was the job I wanted–so much so that the day I got the interview invitation email (after already having job offers waiting for a response), I did an actual Street Fighter dragon punch of victory and told the others they were going to have to wait past their response deadlines. I was drawn by two things:
- A well-established successful privademic model combining teaching-focused academics with the no-BS of private practice (with positions leaning more in different directions based on interest including pure no-teaching PP), which gave me the chance to teach and work with trainees in a more flexible environment than a traditional big academic bureaucracy. I’m currently the associate program director for our residency, and our residents are awesome.
- A sustainable job model combining high-quality (as opposed to only high-volume) radiology practice with reasonable daily expectations, lots of home/remote shifts, and the goal of a standard 4-day workweek for those who want it. I wanted the time and mental space to also be a partner at home and have the flexibility to do the other things that are important to me (like this). My colleagues are good at what we do, and I still learn from them every day.
Curious if going the remote partnership route was controversial or not. I would imagine the bar is a little higher or the rewards at least a bit less to reflect such a change. We looked at doing this recently and are not ready to pull the trigger yet.
Doing so for daytime work would be a nonstarter for us. But offering partnership for doing swing shift or deep night positions–which are already now always a remote shift for us–wasn’t really controversial. Covering off-hours is a service to the group the same way that driving around and doing fluoro is.
Are the swing shift hours negotiable at all? I’m on the west coast, so if I were to more seriously consider switching jobs to this, I would need to have that start time to be moved up a hour or two.
That said, your group is already way ahead of the competition by not forcing swing rads into that 7/7 or 7/14 model. I don’t understand why anyone with a brain would want to do that.
The end time is based on our contractual hospital obligation for attending coverage, so that’s not changeable.
What’s the argument for a M-F every other week versus a 7 on 14 off ? Geniunely asking, I would have thought most would prefer the latter.
To get a reasonable number of shifts/work to be equivalent to a partner, especially since our swing shift is only partially call. Our night partners are 7/14. We could do an employee arragement at 7/14.