“Harvardian Advice” is my tongue-through-cheek advice for how to get into Harvard, playing off the stereotypes that are—in general—completely untrue. It’s a feature in this month’s first issue of the The Cynic Online Magazine.
My nonfiction piece “Characters” appears in the Summer 2009 issue of Flashquake, a really great site with flash (less than 1000 words) fiction and nonfiction pieces coupled with cute banner graphics and an interesting stipend system (with pay based on the editors’ collective enthusiasm for the piece). After taking a creative nonfiction class during my senior year, I’m glad to see most of those pieces see the light of the computer screen. “Characters” was actually originally written for an audio project, but—given my voice-acting—probably makes for a better read on the page.
My flash “When We Are Old” went up in Dogzplot (which is always solid) yesterday. Go ahead and give it a read; it’s only 158 words.
Monkeybicycle has published my whole-heartedly non-autobiographical untitled story (“She is my sponge“) for this month’s “one sentence stories,” a great helping of 7 microfiction stories.
My very short story “Small Gestures” appeared in Six Sentences today, a really interesting online publication that only publishes stories of exactly six sentences. 6S is full of really great quick reads—and it’s only because of wonderful sites publishing flash fiction like this that I’m reading any stories at all these days. So, thanks.
Is it the fate of the internet to endlessly combine two words to make memes? Will these neologisms always make normal, everyday people throw up in their mouths, just a little? I recently discovered twiction, a combination of “twitter” (for the microblogging service) and “fiction” (as in fiction). Twiction, AKA twitter-fiction or (even worse) tweetfic, is fiction in a maximum of 140 characters, which usually translates to somewhere between 1 and 3 sentences. It’s been around for a couple of years and seems to fall somewhere between kinda popular and vaguely interesting. It comes in two forms:
First, the more common form, standalone microfiction: stories told in a sentence, usually feeling like something in between Ernest Hemingway’s famous “story in six words” experiment (For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn) and more traditional flash fiction. Given the inherent limitations of the Twitter service, writing Twiction is a sort of writer’s challenge—can you write a compelling story in a sentence? Can you fit a character, a conflict, and a resolution in a line? Or, in another view of what makes a story: can your character change from the beginning of such a story to the end, all in less than 25 words? The answer? Sometimes.
Any twitterer trying to write twiction comes across the problem that it is actually very difficult to produce a lot of super-short stories with distinct plots, characters, and resolutions. 140 characters isn’t a lot. What I’ve noticed in reading around is that one common crutch is to resort to melodramatic endings (“and he was never seen again” sort of stuff), like this piece from the now defunct twitterfiction:
The poison cut deep rivulets in her flesh, her blood caught fire and her heart slowed. Soon she would be dead.
Death is an easy resolution, but it doesn’t make for a very compelling or thoughtful piece. Who is she? Why is she being poisoned? It’s impossible to fit in everything, but all we have here is an ending—not a story.
Another common “mistake” is to paint a scene or a scenario, but not a real story. After all, it’s much easier to write a character sketch or a lyrical description of a forest in 140 characters than it is to write a complete story. An example from 3S Stories:
Karma can be a bitch. Ike wasn’t sure what he did to deserve being reincarnated as a function call in Vista, but it must have been horrible.
It’s funny, and I actually rather like this one, but there’s no motion. There’s nothing inherently displeasing about it (and new writers struggle with the same issue even with no artificial restrictions), but it does mean a sizable chunk of twiction is more like the creative writing of interesting sentences than true standalone stories. In some ways, twitter might be more suited for twitter poetry, where an image alone—well painted—can stand on its own.
A second type of tweetfic is the serial-story (two examples), a more conventional length piece written in 140-character installments (like the serialized novels in magazines that were common in the olden days). The biggest issue here is writing a story that moves along at a decent clip in small segments. Writing a bunch of entries back to back defeats the purpose entirely. Pacing becomes a problem because there is a tension between condensing action too much (boring) and not making any progress per entry (also boring). On top of that, it’s impossible to go back and alter tweets. The story must go on, no matter if you think you’ve made some serious mistakes in previous entries. A strong detailed outline probably couldn’t hurt. Still, word-choice and character-limits will never be as frustrating as in the first type—if something can’t fit, then move it to the next installment.
So what we have in twitter-fiction, I think, is a challenging medium that is almost at odds with the nature of Twitter (in the sense that Twitter users generally post frequently and have conversations with other Twitter users). At best, it’s a literary diversion in the blink of an eye with at least some degree of artistic merit. More often, just words. Though, after seeing the content of your average “tweet,” just words might be just fine.