My second book, Medical Student Loans: A Comprehensive Guide, is now out. It’s a novella-length treatment of student loans specifically for physicians and written to cover the topic for all levels: premeds, medical students, residents, and attendings. It’s especially helpful for graduating MS4s and by its nature also covers important basic financial literacy in a hopefully non-threatening way.
In other words, I hope you like it.
Despite years of writing about student loans on this site, it was a ton of work to put this together and finally get it out to the world. To celebrate, I’ve made it completely free to download from Amazon until the end of Sunday, June 25.
MSL will also be part of the Kindle Unlimited program for the next three months. You can get a 30-day free trial if you need another way to read it for free.
Consider it your first few hours of CME.
I am a financial aid coordinator at a medical school and I just want to say THANK YOU. If I wrote a book on this topic, this is pretty much what I would say. I found myself nodding a lot while reading your book. I highly endorse this handbook for medical students. I learned about it on Sunday from Downloaded it for free because I was curious. Bought it today. I will definitely inform my students about this resource!
Thank you for your kind words! I’m so glad the book resonated with you.
Source: I am a medical student at a pricy private school in a place with a high cost of living, considering a lower paying primary care specialties.
I understand the REPAYE interest subsidy now, which has the potential to be worth much, much more than the cost of this book. Thanks for writing this!
Thanks for reading. Happy it helped.